1·This is a very sophisticated machine.
2·Each company USES huge pools of data to help train sophisticated machine learning algorithms.
3·If you want a more sophisticated machine, though, you'll probably have to deal with a sales rep.
4·NARRATOR: Washington's Keynesians saw the economy not as a force of nature but a sophisticated machine to be fine-tuned by technocrats like themselves.
5·Cognex Corporation designs, develops, manufactures and markets a range of products that incorporate sophisticated machine vision technology that gives them the ability to "see."
6·Some of the most sophisticated cyberattacks are multistage, in which a piece of malware penetrates a computer to use it as a platform for attacking yet another machine.
7·And machine it with big and sophisticated tools.
8·Mr Crystal reckons that it is only a matter of time before automatic machine translation becomes so sophisticated that the language of Bagehot loses its role as lingua franca.
9·Robots are being prepared for increasingly sophisticated roles in combat, in the form of remotely operated drones and ground-based vehicles mounted with machine guns and grenades.
10·If the hardware and software could be made sophisticated enough, there would be no functional difference, Dr. Dennett suggested, between a human oenophile and the machine.